

This is an extension of the Direct Connect Omniscan API documentation which can be found here

Pass Check lookup

Check a pass can enter the attraction (does not record a scan). Will return SUCCESS if the pass is allowed entry.


URL: GET /omniscan/terminal/passes/v1/{{confirmationCode}}/entitlement?scanDate={{scanDate}}&attractionId={{attractionId}}

Request Params

Name Type Required Description
scanDate String yes The scan date and time in the format MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss
attractionId Integer yes The ID of the attraction


Sample Response:

    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "passType": "Adult",
    "productType": "GO/EXP"

Response Object

Name Type Value Description
status String SUCCESS Status indicating that check was successful
passType String Adult The pass is an adult pass
Child The pass is a child pass
FAM The pass is a familiarisation pass
VIP The pass is a VIP pass
productType String GO/EXP The scan is for a Go City All-Inclusive or Explorer Pass
BYO The scan is for a Build Your Own pass
NYP The scan is for a New York Pass
LVP The scan is for a Las Vegas Pass

Failure Response

A pass check may fail for a number of reasons including:

Please note that a check fail will still result in a HTTP 200 OK response.

Sample Response (already visited):

   "status": "FAILURE",
   "errorDescription": "No Entry Already Visited",
   "passType": "Child",
   "productType": "NYP"

Sample Response (invalid Confirmation code):

   "status": "FAILURE",
   "errorDescription": "Not a valid Confirmation Code format"
Name Type Value Description
status String FAILURE Status indicating that the check was unsuccessful
errorDescription String Check failure message - explains why the check failed

If the confirmation code is not recognised when checking. This will return a 400 HTTP Status.

Sample Failure Response:

    "errorType": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND",
    "error": "Attractions not found for confirmationCode: {{confirmationCode}} and terminalId: {{terminalId}}"